Sunday, April 17, 2011

Curious Document: A certain Mark Taylor is a witness to Title Creation of the Dunny Lane. See the Land and Environment Court website for past commissioners. You will see the names Stafford Watts and Mark Taylor on this list. Notice also the STATEMENT OF PURPOSE of the Land and Environmental Court: "the highest standards of competency and personal integrity of its judges, commissioners and support staff." Is that what is happening here??

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    In respect of the Lane and the proposed DA lodged for the construction off a residence on the portion of land east of No 79 Surrey Street. There has been a precedent in this matter where Council had considered the possible sale of land in a similar situation. However Council had previously approved the construction of garages and a redevelopment of a property that used the existing lane for egress. Whilst Council still had the right to sell the land, it could only so if the existing proposed development allowed each of the property owners egress to the main street. There were other issues that were specific to that particular case such as underground services as well as the lane would have been required by NSW Fire Services in the event of an emergency [prior approval of that organization would have been required in the first instance. I thought that I would just mention this aspect as I have seen that at least one property appears to have an approved development requiring egress to Surrey Street.
